Custom Nodes
You can make your own processors and use together with the default processors to customize the output nodes
Check BaseProcessor to know more details about processors
Node Class
First you need to create your node class extending the base MarkdownNode
import { MarkdownNode } from '@language-kit/markdown'
export class CustomNode extends MarkdownNode {
public type = "custom"
Then you need to create a processor that extends the MarkdownProcessor
and create the logic that process Tokens into Nodes
import { MarkdownParser, Processors, MarkdownProcessor } from '@language-kit/markdown'
import { CustomNode } from "./custom-node"
class CustomProcessor extends MarkdownProcessor {
public order = 1
public process() {
const tokens = this.tokens.slice(0, 4)
// all Hello word phase will be converted in a custom node
if (tokens.toText() !== 'Hello Word\n') {
const node = new CustomNode()
node.tokens = tokens
return true
Finally you just need pass the custom processor to the MarkdownParser class and the output will be what we defined.
import { MarkdownParser, Processors } from '@language-kit/markdown'
import { CustomProcessor } from "./custom-processor"
const MyProcessors = [Processors.Paragraph, CustomProcessor]
const parser = new MarkdownParser(MyProcessors)
const payload = ['Hello Word', 'Normal paragraph'].join('\n')
const [first, second] = parser.toNodes(payload)
first // CustomNode
second // MarkdownNodeParagraph
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